Education Resources
This page contains useful information and facts about the Blanchard River Watershed. If you would like to see information about a specific topic, please feel free to contact us.
Invasive Species in the Watershed

Eurasian watermilfoil, an invasive aquatic plant, was discovered by BRWP watershed coordinator, Lauren Sandhu, at one of the BRWP’s macroinvertebrate sampling sites in June 2022. The sighting was reported to the ODNR for species identification confirmation. The sighting and identification of the plant were confirmed, and a report was submitted to the USGS nonindigenous aquatic species database.

The Spotted Lanternfly has not yet been found within the Blanchard River Watershed, as of the fall of 2022, but it is in Ohio and headed this way. If you see it collect the insect in a sealed container and report it to the Ohio Department of Agriculture or to your county OSU Extension office.
Harmful Algal Blooms
Learn the good, the bad and the ugly of algae here.
About the watershed
How much water is there when it rains?
What is the source of your drinking water?
Top ten water users in the Blanchard River Watershed
Blanchard River 10 and 12-digit watershed HUC codes
Maps of the Watershed
Blanchard River sub-watersheds map (10-digit HUC)
Blanchard River small tributary watersheds (12-digit HUC)
Ohio EPA’s Integrated Water Qualty Monitoring and Assessment Report
The Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report indicates the general condition of Ohio’s waters and identifies waters that are not meeting water quality goals. CLICK HERE to go to the OEPA site.
2018 Assessment Unit Summaries map